The Sunday 7: House Updates, Sneak Peeks, and Mom Jeans

Notes to future homeowners, Swan Lake Project Peeks, It-girl shirts, and a whole lotta new stuff at McGee & Co.

10 March 2019 -

1. Drywall will be happening in about a week! I’m dying because that’s when things really start feeling like a home. We took the girls over this week and left little notes in the walls for future owners. We’ll be painting or lime-washing the brick, but the exact color is TBD.

Studio McGee's Sunday 7

2. This week we continued to unveil our Swan Lake Project! It was kind of hilarious to see the polarizing comments about the light fixture on Instagram. It really works for the style of the home, but I also recognize it’s a specific look that’s not for everyone. And if you ask me…that’s a good thing! You should be designing your home for you…not anyone else.

This is actually a struggle I’ve been having while designing our own home knowing that millions of people will see it and the people pleaser in me is STRESSING OUT.

We’ll be sharing the craft and guest spaces later this week. This sneak peek is just for you:

Studio McGee

3. What is it about a surplus jacket that makes it work with literally everything? It’s the perfect transitional piece from winter to spring. Size down.

4. Also, these are my new favorite mom jeans. I’m curvy and have had a hard time finding a pair that is flattering. These suck and lift in allll the right places. Fit is TTS.

5. Speaking of mom jeans, as a mom of 2 living in suburban Utah, I’m not exactly edgy. But you know what? Wearing anything from Anine Bing let’s me channel my inner cool girl while waiting for kindergarten pickup. Whether he likes it or not, Syd would agree that this sweatshirt has been my most worn item all winter.

6. We love to design wood drip edges under farmhouse sinks, but this image has me inspired to do a marble drip edge somewhere…the Aussies always get it right!


I’m not shouting, you’re shouting!!!

Date Posted
10 March 2019