Shea’s Birthday + Syd’s Three Favorite Things

Wishing the happiest of birthdays to our founder, Shea McGee!

05 July 2023 -

Today is a special day here at Studio McGee, and not because we all just spent a long weekend with our friends and family, but because it’s the birthday of our own Studio McGee family’s founder, Shea McGee. It’s become a tradition of ours to be a bit sneaky and plan a surprise post. So, to celebrate Shea, we asked her husband, Syd, to tell us three things he loves about her. Prepare to swoon.

No. 01 | She’s the Host With the Most

I love that Shea loves to host at our house. She is so good at making those around her feel special and loved, and you bet it’s all done in the most beautiful way. She will spend hours not only making amazing food but plating it to perfection, decorating the house to a certain theme or holiday, and then afterward cleaning it all up and returning the house to the cozy family home she’s created for all of us. I’m thankful for her hosting skills, as are our guests, as I would just say let’s hit In-N-Out and call it good.

No. 02 | She’s Always on the Go

I love that Shea loves to stay active. It’s something I’ve always valued in my own life and I’m so grateful to have a partner who shares my same passions. From her 6 am gym sessions to her tennis matches and vacation hikes and walks—she has a hard time sitting still and I love it.

No. 03 | She Makes Our House a Home

I know that this may seem obvious given that a lot of you are reading this because you’re a fan of her design aesthetic, but I love how Shea makes our home feel. It’s not just the beautiful stuff we get to live alongside, but it’s the beauty she as a person brings to our day-to-day lives. No matter where in the world we go, together or apart, I am always really excited to come home.

Date Posted
05 July 2023